Do I Have Bed Bugs? Here are the 7 clear signs of a bed big infestation - and how to eradicate them

Concern is growing about the rapid spread of the biting insects.
A bed bug infestation can be a serious problem - it's best to act quickly.A bed bug infestation can be a serious problem - it's best to act quickly.
A bed bug infestation can be a serious problem - it's best to act quickly.

Recent weeks have seen bed bug outbreaks in Paris - with schools, homes, trains, hospitals and cinemas all impacted.

With growing numbers of sightings in Britain, there are worries that the problem has crossed the Channel.

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If you are concerned that the unwanted guests may be making a home in your bedroom, here's how to tell - and what to do about it - courtesy of the bed experts at Bed Kingdom.

The signs of a bed bug infestation

Unusual smell 

One of the early signs of bed bugs is a strange, musty scent lingering in your bedroom, despite there being no clear cause of it being there, such as a dirty pile of clothes. When bed bugs feel threatened, they emit what is called alarm pheromones which have a faint smell of raspberries, cilantro, or almonds – and in severe bed bug cases, this smell we be mixed with the odour of dead bugs and shed cell casings which creates a rusty scent. 


If you wake up with red, itchy bites, this could be a sign of bed bugs as they typically feed on blood during the night. Usually, bites will appear on arms, hands, and legs and will be in small clusters of a few bites, but they can also show up in single bites. These bites are not usually dangerous, but some people can be allergic – so if you experience extreme itchiness, swelling, blisters, or a fever it’s crucial to seek help from a medical professional. 

Blood stains 

Once a bed bug is finished feeding itself, the blood can leak out if you squash them during your sleep by sudden movements like rolling over. If you notice any small splotches of blood on your bed sheets or clothing, check for anything on your body first that could be the cause, like a scab. If there’s no visible cause of the blood, it’s likely that these stains occurred from bedbugs. 

Dark, brown marks 

Dark marks from bed bug droppings about the size of a pen tip can appear on mattresses, sheets, headboards, and even your walls, and they’re a lot smaller than blood stains. They will also give off a faint, rusty smell that contributes to the unusual odour altogether.  


Bed bug eggs can be hard to spot, as they are only around 1mm long – but they can be found by paying attention to anything that looks like small rice grains in your bed. They can be loosely stuck to different types of surfaces, typically the mattress seams and joints or behind the headboard. 

Shell casings 

Often easier to spot than the bed bugs themselves, shell casings are an early sign of infestation. Bed bugs shed several times during different lifecycle stages, meaning that their shell casings can come in different sizes – but you can spot them by their yellow, translucent appearance in the seams, folds, and crevices of mattresses, or even other areas such as cracks in walls and furniture. 

Live bed bugs 

It can be quite a challenge to spot a live bed bug, as they normally look for a hiding place, however with a severe infestation you are more likely to notice them. Adult bed bugs are approximately 4-5mm long, with bed bug nymphs starting at just 1mm. Their hiding spots can be various places from your bed and the area next to it to furniture and your walls.  

How to remove bed bugs from your bedroom 

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