SNP conference: Humza Yousaf promises to boost Scottish Government arts spending by £100m within five years

First Minister Humza Yousaf suggests the move will “more than double” culture funding by 2028

Humza Yousaf has pledged to increase arts and culture funding by the Scottish Government by £100 million by 2028, as arms-length agency Creative Scotland said it looked forward to more detail on how the money would be allocated.

The First Minister described the pledge as “a huge vote of confidence” in the future of the culture sector weeks after his Government came under fire for reinstating a 10 per cent funding cut for Creative Scotland.

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And he suggested the move would “more than double” the amount ringfenced for the culture sector and arts.

However, the Government is currently spending around £175m on arts and culture in its budget.

It is understood the promised increase in spending does not include the £87m currently spent on Scotland’s national collections.

The government has refused to confirm if there will be further additional funding for the National Galleries of Scotland, National Museums Scotland and the National Library Scotland or if they will be allocated a share of the extra £100 pledged by the First Minister, who specifically mentioned Screen Scotland, Creative Scotland and festivals in his speech at the SNP conference.

It is not yet known what Creative Scotland’s share of the additional funding will be over the next five years, as the Government also provides direct funding to national museums, galleries and performing companies, as well as some cultural events.

Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf making his keynote speech during the party's conference in Aberdeen. Picture: Andrew Milligan/PA WireScottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf making his keynote speech during the party's conference in Aberdeen. Picture: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire
Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf making his keynote speech during the party's conference in Aberdeen. Picture: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

A spokeswoman for Creative Scotland said the body welcomed Mr Yousaf’s commitment, adding: "We look forward to seeing more detail, and to working with the Scottish Government to address the significant and ongoing financial challenges that face Scotland's culture and creative sector, to ensure its continued success."

Arts organisations have been lobbying for more than a year for the Government to tackle a growing fin