Video: Lynsey Sharp on her silver medal win

Lynsey Sharp. Picture: Ian RutherfordLynsey Sharp. Picture: Ian Rutherford
Lynsey Sharp. Picture: Ian Rutherford
LYNSEY Sharp rose from her sick bed to produce a stunning last 50 metres and claim silver in the 800m at Hampden Park, and yesterday admitted that pure desire pulled her through.

The 23-year-old has suffered with injury throughout this season and, as a final hurdle to her Games dream, was struck down with stomach cramps on the eve of her run on Friday night. She could not sleep and after being sick was hooked up to drip to replace lost fluids.

In the latest episode of ‘Scotsman at the Games’, Sharp tells David Ferguson that the family history of following her mother and father to the Games stage and going one further than her dad Cameron in striking Commonwealth silver drove her to believe that nothing would stop her striding out in front of a roaring Hampden Park crowd.

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Sharp also revealed that Scotland’s most-capped rugby player and former neighbour, Chris Paterson, had been her inspiration when her love of sport was wavering and she hopes now to provide young Scottish girls with inspiration to believe in themselves.