Taking a break - Isobel Campbell on her return from the musical wilderness

A career break is often the excuse for a much-loved star vanishing from the public eye – Beyoncé and Adele just a couple of famous examples.

Former Belle and Sebastian singer Isobel Campbell similarly decided on some time out from music. However, getting back into the business hit a snag due to legal wrangles with her previous record label.

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“It felt like I’d retired,” Campbell sighs. “Or I was in prison. To be told I could not release the record completely broke me and I started questioning everything.”

However, that album, ‘There Is No Other’ has finally appeared.

“If you’re lucky to live long enough, there are always going to be peaks and troughs,” she says.

That philosophical approach is no accident. Indeed, the album’s title comes from an ancient Mayan greeting that Campbell discovered while embracing the art of meditation