Rangers administration: Smaller creditors

A snapshot of Rangers’ smaller creditors

£17.28 Sports and Turf Research Institute, Bingley, W Yorkshire

RANGERS Football Club still has an outstanding subsription fee of £17,28 to the STRI – which offers advice and access to scientific research to ground staff taking care of golf courses, racecourses and football pitches.

£40 Your Sonsie Face, Glasgow

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SUSAN Thomson, who runs a face painting business in Glasgow, is also on the list of creditors of Rangers FC. Ms Thomson said the payment was for her work at a one-off event, but that she did not really want to comment.

£48 Quickshift tyre service, Glasgow

NO-one was available for comment at Quickshift tyre service in Clydebrae Road, but it was named today as one of the creditors of Rangers FC. The outstanding bill for £48 could have been from a delivery van, a lawnmowing machine or a private car.