Christine Jardine: A coffee with sweeter taste

THE tax scandal surrounding Starbucks has highlighted just how much the local, independent coffee shop does for the community, writes Christine Jardine.

I probably drink far too much coffee. I always have. At university my friends called me the “coffee-break kid”. And not a lot has changed since then.

As a new mother, I revelled in a fresh excuse to spend hours over coffees with other first-time mums, then with friends I met at the school gate and now with those same, if slightly older, mothers commiserating about having young adults to deal with.

Originally, we always met in our local coffee shop.

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I got to know the owner, and her continental chocolate cake recipe, and she persuaded my toddler daughter that the best way to cool lentil soup was with an ice cube.

But then, like much of the country, I was seduced by the big coffee house chains with promises of flavoured coffees, gingerbread lattes at Christmas and frappuccinos in the summer.