Murdered teenager’s uncle headbutted as killer jailed

THE uncle of murdered teenager Dale Bennett was headbutted in court yesterday as Dale’s killer was jailed for life.

Thug Brian McHale must serve at least 15 years after stabbing the 17-year-old in February 2011.

As McHale, 21, was led to the cells for the murder of the “defenceless” teenager to cries of “rot in hell”, his friends and family clashed with those of the victim.

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Dale’s uncle was left with a broken nose after being headbutted in the face.

Police today welcomed the sentence and said that that McHale was a “cold and callous character”.

Detective Inspector Jim Robertson, who led the investigation, said: “We acknowledge today’s sentence and would like to take this opportunity to thank Dale’s family for their assistance during our inquiry and for the way they handled this entire ordeal with great dignity.

“Brian McHale has shown himself to be a cold and callous character who was happy to use a knife and then show no remorse for his actions.

“The local community have been of tremendous assistance to officers throughout the investigation.”

It was also confirmed extra police officers would be patrolling the streets of Gorebridge and nearby Mayfield, in Midlothian, to reassure communities in the wake of gang tensions in the aftermath of the murder.

Inspector Mike Bennett, community inspector for the Dalkeith area, said: “We understand that this will be a difficult time for many members of the Mayfield and Gorebridge communities, and we are ensuring our officers are accessible and visible in both areas to monitor and address any local concerns.

“Anyone found to be in possession of a knife or similar weapons will be robustly dealt with.”

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