A celebration or a collapse?

BY RIGHTS nest January should see a party to rival the Millennium: street celebrations, fireworks, music, the Thames a river of fire and a thrilling display of all the pomp and ceremonial of the British state.

But when the 30th anniversary of our joining the [then] European Economic Community comes round early next year, how subdued this occasion will prove. According to that most reliably pro-EU of sources, the Financial Times, the official word has gone out that any fanfare will be low key - as if there would be a problem with over-enthusiasm.

Now this is an astonishing admission. Britain’s growing economic and political integration with the EU has been the single most important political and constitutional change to Britain’s standing in the world for 300 years. It was meant to have an immediate and lasting beneficial effect on our economy and our trading relations. It has certainly had profound effects on our government, parliamentary democracy and legal sovereignty.

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