Scottish Flashback: The Barras market

The Barras market, in April 1960. Picture: TSPLThe Barras market, in April 1960. Picture: TSPL
The Barras market, in April 1960. Picture: TSPL
IN THE early 1900s, 12-year-old Margaret Russell looked after a fruit barrow belonging to her mother’s friend, in a Parkhead street.

This experience gave her a taste for business, and she saved her money to open a small fruit shop in Bridgeton. It was during one of her many visits to the fruit market that she met James McIver, whom she later married.

The couple set up a business at a yard in the Calton district of Glasgow’s East End, where they rented out horses and carts to traders who visited the wealthier streets of the city.

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They built up the business, acquiring more property in Moncur Street, where they rented out barrows to traders for Saturday morning. This was in the street behind the Barrowland Ballroom - now used as a concert venue - and earned the affectionate name of ‘The Barras.’

Our flashback photo shows a typical scene from the Barras in 1960, just under 30 years after the original Barrowland building opened, and in the same year it was rebuilt following a major fire in 1958.

Our photo dates from April 27th, just under eight months until the grand reopening.

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