SNP names 2014 European Parliament candidates

Ian Hudghton is among those selected. Picture: CompIan Hudghton is among those selected. Picture: Comp
Ian Hudghton is among those selected. Picture: Comp
Two current MEPs have topped the SNP’s list of candidates for next year’s European Parliament elections.

Ian Hudghton and Alyn Smith, who were elected in 2009, have been selected along with Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Stephen Gethins, Toni Giugliano and Chris Stephens.

The list was published after a ballot of party members who voted by post and online using the single transferable vote system.

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First Minister Alex Salmond said: “This is a strong and talented team of candidates to take the SNP and Scotland forward.”

In the last European elections the SNP won the largest share of the vote in Scotland and won two seats along with Labour. The Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats won one seat each.

SNP business convener Derek Mackay said: “We approach these elections positively and optimistically - but we take nothing for granted, and will again work extremely hard to earn people’s trust.

“While the Westminster system obsesses with a referendum to wrench the UK out of Europe, it is increasingly clear that Scotland needs a direct voice in Europe to protect and promote our interests.

“Scottish interests will be best served in 2014 by voting SNP in the Euro elections, and Yes in Scotland’s referendum.”