Call for clarity over use of Chinese-owned TikTok on Scottish Government phones

TikTok has been banned from UK Government phones.TikTok has been banned from UK Government phones.
TikTok has been banned from UK Government phones.
The Scottish Government has been asked to clarify whether it will block access to Chinese owned social media app TikTok on government devices after the UK Government announced that it would do so.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said the Scottish Government should confirm is it is to remove TikTok from devices used by government officials as the UK Government announced it would ban ministers and civil servants from using the social media app on their phones on security grounds.

The Scottish Government said it was “liaising with the Cabinet Office” over the issue.

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Mr Cole-Hamilton said: “Conversations about how these tools could theoretically be exploited for nefarious purposes have been swirling for some time.

“The Scottish Government should confirm whether it will be ordering TikTok to be removed from all work devices.

“From companies subject to Chinese state intelligence laws at the heart of our CCTV systems to a so-called “police station” in Glasgow, it’s clear that there is a need for an immediate strategic audit of the reach of China’s interests and influence in Scotland.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Regulatory responsibility for social media lies with the UK Government.

“Devices managed by the Scottish Government are configured in line with best practice from the National Cyber Security Centre, which helps us to manage any risk associated with the use of third-party applications.”

“Following this announcement, officials are liaising with the Cabinet Office as we consider the need for further action on this issue.”



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