OAP hospitalised by two female muggers

A PAIR of female muggers left an 83-year-old woman in hospital after attacking her as she walked to a meeting in a local public hall.

The pensioner was attacked outside Corstorphine Library on Kirk Loan by the two women as she was on her way to Corstorphine’s Literary and Geographical Society.

She was rushed to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where she was treated for a head wound requiring 12 stitches and six staples.

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A handbag containing around £160 in cash, bank cards and other personal possessions was taken.

Police have described the mugging as “despicable”, and appealed for anyone with information to contact them immediately.

The attack happened at around 7.10pm on Monday as the pensioner was on her way to a meeting of the group in the Public Hall.

She was approached from behind by the two women who forced her to the ground before taking her handbag and running into the graveyard of Corstorphine Old Parish Church.

Police have described the first suspect as white, aged between 18 and 23. She is said to have a stocky build, and was wearing skin-tight dark leggings and dark, UGG-style boots.

The second suspect is described as having sallow skin, dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail and aged between 18 and 23. She was wearing a dark jacket, leggings and light-coloured lipstick.

Friends and local residents have told of their shock and anger following the attack.

Cath Marshall, 80, who was in Corstorphine Public Hall at the time of the assault, said: “I was horrified. I was in the hall and I heard that somebody had been mugged.

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“She apparently parked her car just beyond the library and was then attacked. I just hope she recovers very quickly.”

Another friend and fellow society member, who asked not to be named, said: “I was shocked when I heard what had happened.

“I was in the hall at the time and happened to have a car parked very nearby. Someone came through asking if anybody in the hall knew her – so that she would have a friend in hospital, I suppose – so I followed the ambulance.

“I was horrified. I just could not believe it.”

Local resident Catherine Wright, 63, said: ““It’s really frightening. My daughter was only saying to me the other day, ‘it’s great that you’ve moved to Corstorphine, mum, you’ll be much more secure there’ – then we hear about this.”

Detective Inspector Gordon McCreadie, of Corstorphine CID, said: “This was a despicable attack on an 83-year-old woman and we would urge the public to help us in tracing the people responsible so that they can be brought before the courts.

“The suspects made off through Glebe Road or may have returned to Corstorphine High Street. Any information from members of the public who may have seen something would be appreciated.

“This is an isolated incident – there have been no similar assaults or robberies in the area recently – and we will be increasing patrols to deter others.”


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