The 10 wildest and least climbed Munros in Scotland

The Fisherfield Forest Munros contain two of Scotlands least climbed mountains (Photo: Shutterstock)The Fisherfield Forest Munros contain two of Scotlands least climbed mountains (Photo: Shutterstock)
The Fisherfield Forest Munros contain two of Scotlands least climbed mountains (Photo: Shutterstock)
Head into the wilderness and take on one of the most remote Munros.

Those who aspire for compleatist status must prepare to deviate from the beaten track - and then some - in order to reach the most remote mountains over 3,000 feet. Involving overnight expeditions, treacherous scrambling and knee-breaking walk-ins, these peaks demand dedication and nerve.

Using Walkhighlands' list of Munros with the most ascent reports as a reference point we've compiled a list of the ten least visited Munro peaks.

Lurg Mhor and Bidein a'Choire Sheasgaich

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This pair of Munros are sandwiched between Loch Calavia and Loch Monar, Lurg Mhor and are possibly the country's least climbed Munros, requiring an epic walk-in from Attadale on the banks of Loch Carron.

Bidein a'Choire Sheasgaich is affectionately referred to as the cheesecake by baggers due to its unusual Gaelic pronunciation and is marginally more attractive than its neighbour, though Lurg Mhor still boasts a genuine sense of wilderness.

Those who want a piece of the cheesecake and Lurg Mhor are best approaching from the west and camping at the Bendronaig Lodge before assaulting their lonely slopes.

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Sgurr Mor (Loch Quoich)

Sgurr Mor doesn't give up its secrets easily. Located at the head of shy Glen Kingie, the Loch Arkaig Munro is reached via trackless and boggy terrain, which does its best to sap morale. The effort is worth it though, with views of the great wilderness of Knoydart particularly dramatic from the mountain's summit.

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Maoile Lunndaidh

Other than a few corries, Maoile Lunndaidh is a rather featureless peak - a hard day's walk culminating in a half-mile trudge along a spacious and rocky plateau. The pull up the mountain's devilishly steep slopes will have the most ardent Munro baggers questioning their sanity - a quick glance behind of the Coulins, however, will bring most back to their senses.

Hikers who prefer to have a route to themselves will relish the hefty walk-in from the A890, through Achnashellach Forest and along the banks of the Pollan Buidhe.

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Mullach nan Dheiragain and Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan

Reaching these Munros requires commitment with the Alltbeithe Youth Hostel itself taking four hours to reach. From the charming accommodation, walkers can climb Mullach nan Dheiragain and Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan, as well as An Socach at the head of Glen Affric.

Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan is the pick of the trio, a crossroads of knife-like ridges with awesome views of Scotland's sparsely inhabited north.

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Garbh Chioch Mhor

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Situated on the periphery of the Knoydart Peninsula, Garbh Chioch Mhor is the high point of a rugged and rocky ridge.

The peak is often neglected by walkers who opt to climb the impossibly conical Sgurr na Ciche by itself. Those who ignore Garbh Chioch Mhor are missing out on a peak which possesses immense character.

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Ruadh Stac Mor and Beinn Tarsuinn

Situated in the depths of the Fisherfield Forest - also known as 'the Great Wilderness' - Ruadh Stac Mor and Beinn Tarsuinn are the most remote of the six Fisherfield peaks.

The collection of five Munros and one Corbett is a classic Scottish hiking route, though each summit is hard-earned, none more so than this pair. Sweat and toil are exchanged for jaw-dropping views of glistening lochs and impossibly steep mountains.

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An Socach (Mullardoch)

Translating as snout or beak, An Socach protrudes strikingly above the winding Allt Coire nan Each. The pointed peak is the fourth and final Munro of the Mullardoch round, and arguably the finest. Walkers shouldn't dwell on top of the marvellous peak for too long, however. The return along Loch Mullardoch is deceptively rough and will require every ounce of strength .

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