Light-coloured carpets and rugs are a real risk for the owners of some breeds of dog.Light-coloured carpets and rugs are a real risk for the owners of some breeds of dog.
Light-coloured carpets and rugs are a real risk for the owners of some breeds of dog.

Dirty Dogs in Pictures: These are the 10 breeds of adorable dog that will inevitably get mucky on walks - including the loving Cocker Spaniel 🐶

If you’re averse to muddy paw prints then you should think twice before welcoming one of these breeds into your home.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a new dog then you’re not alone – Kennel Club figures show that the number of people looking for puppies surged in the last couple of years.

But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest four-legged addition – whether you want a large dog, family-friendly dog, or crossbreed.

There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.

One thing to consider before welcoming a particular breed of dog into your home is that some pups are complete dirt-magnets - having never met a puddle of mud they don’t love, or something decomposing that they haven’t wanted a roll in.

A recent scientific study by Jeep surveyed dog owners to see which dogs collected most muck while out on a walk.

So here are, scientifically, the 10 muckiest breeds of dog.

For all the latest dog news, pictures, advice and information, join our Scotsdog Facebook group here

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